Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Marriage – Facts you need to know – 22

Marriage – Facts you need to know – 22


·         You need to know you sometimes have to get up from your La-Z-Boy, take her hand, and go for a walk.

·         You need to know marriage is about compromise. Like he gets to watch Sunday night football if she gets to watch two hours of Animal Planet.

·         You need to know there'll be times when it's difficult to stand up to temptation. Like the temptation to throw away his favorite chair because you don't like looking at it. Don't do it.

·         You need to know to be willing to have those conversations that could lead to a fight, but are important to have. Like conversations about finances. Or job security. Or the children.

·         You need to know to be kind and gentle when you're talking on the phone with your spouse even when things are caving in at the office.

·         You need to know that listening to how your spouse's day went will sometimes require incredible willpower.

·         You need to know that time changes people. You vowed to stay together, not stay the same.

·         You need to know if you're not as attentive as you should be, they might be tempted to start flirting with other people.

·         You need to know how to listen without comment or criticism or judgment. Like when he expresses his love for paintball fighting. Don't comment.

·         You need to know how to listen without looking like you're swallowing cough medicine.

·         You need to know that a lasting marriage is based on a couple's ability to resolve conflict.

·         You need to know he's not fighting 6:00 p.m. traffic jams just to get home and immediately hear how badly your day went. Give him a chance to put on his hockey jersey.

·         You need to know if you, a man, will agree with your wife, fights can generally be averted. Unless she thinks she looks fat. Use discretion.

·         You need to know to do what you say you're going to do. Like, "I'll fold the clothes at halftime." It helps tremendously to follow through.

·         You need to know to never let her do the dishes or clean the house alone.

·         You know, unless you're having surgery. Or you've been kidnapped.

·         You need to know to ask yourself, "Would you rather be right or happy?" People who would rather be right end up in divorce court.

·         You need to know to ask for forgiveness. Don't let your pride get in the way of makeup sex.

·         You need to know a man just wants to solve the problem, women want to talk about how they feel. All night. Cavemen dealt with this.

·         You need to know to ask God to help you accept your spouse the way he or she is right now. That's a much more effective prayer than giving God a list of changes you want Him to make.

·         You need to know to ask God to help you change—to change your defensive attitudes, bad habits, and negative thoughts.

·         You'll be amazed to find that He will.