A King who had a beautiful figure, a strong body and large army. He was the mighty ruler of a vast kingdom. He was proud of his strength, wealth and army.
One day, a holy man came to him and said: "O’ King, you must not be proud of your beauty, your possessions, your power, for they are transient. Either, you will leave them, one day, or they will leave you."
The King did not understand. He got angry. But the holy man insisted: "O King, learn to be humble. In the measure in which you become humble, in that measure you will become a channel of God’s forces for the healing of suffering mankind."
Infuriated, the King said: "Why must I be humble? I have such a vast kingdom. I have just to lift up my finger and thousands of people will come to my bidding. Why must I be humble. I do not need your advice. Please leave the darbar."
A few days later, the King, along with a few of his ministers and friends, went out to hunt. From a distance he saw a deer. He chased the deer and was separated from the rest of his group. The deer eluded the King and disappeared. The King galloped faster and faster. The deer suddenly crossed a valley and again disappeared. The King kept on chasing the deer and just as he was about to cross the valley, his horse fell down. Both the horse and the King were badly hurt and lost their consciousness.
After a little while, a few decoits happened to pass by. Finding the horse and the rich rider in an unconscious state, they looted the King of his possessions, his weapons and stripped him naked. When the King regained consciousness, he was shocked at what he saw. He was nude and his horse was almost dead. In that helpless condition, he remembered the words of the holy man: "These things will either leave you or you will leave them, one day." He repented.
The King did not understand. He got angry. But the holy man insisted: "O King, learn to be humble. In the measure in which you become humble, in that measure you will become a channel of God’s forces for the healing of suffering mankind."
Infuriated, the King said: "Why must I be humble? I have such a vast kingdom. I have just to lift up my finger and thousands of people will come to my bidding. Why must I be humble. I do not need your advice. Please leave the darbar."
A few days later, the King, along with a few of his ministers and friends, went out to hunt. From a distance he saw a deer. He chased the deer and was separated from the rest of his group. The deer eluded the King and disappeared. The King galloped faster and faster. The deer suddenly crossed a valley and again disappeared. The King kept on chasing the deer and just as he was about to cross the valley, his horse fell down. Both the horse and the King were badly hurt and lost their consciousness.
After a little while, a few decoits happened to pass by. Finding the horse and the rich rider in an unconscious state, they looted the King of his possessions, his weapons and stripped him naked. When the King regained consciousness, he was shocked at what he saw. He was nude and his horse was almost dead. In that helpless condition, he remembered the words of the holy man: "These things will either leave you or you will leave them, one day." He repented.
He realized that it was his pride that had brought him to this predicament. He closed his eyes and offered a prayer. "In this state of utter helplessness, Lord, I turn to Thee! Do Thou help me. Else, here, in this dark jungle, the animals will soon devour me!"
Just then, he heard the roar of a lion. His heart trembled. However, he found that the lion’s roar had awakened the horse. The King felt happy. He mounted the horse and crossed the valley to where his ministers and friends were searching for him.
Just then, he heard the roar of a lion. His heart trembled. However, he found that the lion’s roar had awakened the horse. The King felt happy. He mounted the horse and crossed the valley to where his ministers and friends were searching for him.
The King’s life was transformed. He became a man of humility. Every night, he reminded himself of the great teaching: "O man not be proud of your possessions and power. They are fickle as the shifting sands of a desert."