Monday, August 17, 2009



The Buddha is in Rajgir and is, one day, having a walk. He gazes at the beauty of the flowers of the field and says, "O trees and flowers of the field! How trustfully you turn your faces to the sun! And how trustfully nightingales and doves take shelter in you! Alas! Man hurts the birds and slays the animals. The wisdom of man drenched in blood."

Just then, a flock of goats and sheep passes by. The Buddha finds that the herdsman is driving them with difficulty.

"What is the matter?" asks the Buddha.

The herdsman says, "Sir! There is in the herd a limping lamb. He finds it difficult to keep pace with the others in the herd."

Affectionately, the Buddha takes the limping lamb on his shoulder.

Then, the Buddha asks the herdsman, "Why are you driving the herd in the heat of the noonday sun?"

The herdsman says, "I am asked to give the King a hundred goats and sheep for sacrifice in the Yagna which takes place this evening."

And the Buddha says, "I, too, shall go!"

They enter the city, side by side, the herdsman and Gautama. Meekly walks Gautama with the lamb on his shoulder. They cross the bazaar. And the buyer in the market stop a while to gaze at Gautama. And women open their doors to see how gently and gracefully he walks this great lover of peace! He moves on. Many gaze at him, again and again. Many know him not. They have but heard of him and say, "Behold the holy man who dwells on the hill!"

And the Buddha reached the palace where preparations have been made for sacrifice in the Yagna. The man in charge is about to strike the sword against the lamb marked for sacrifice when suddenly the Buddha exclaims, ‘Great King! Let not the man strike: Take my life as a sacrifice, O King! And spare the lamb."

The words moved the heart of the King. He, then, asks Gautama to speak to the people. A few words only does Gautama speak on the occasion:

O men! You can take life easily but,
Remember, none of you can give life!
So have mercy, have compassion!
And, never forget, that compassion
Makes the world noble and beautiful.

Remember, too, that all living beings are linked together in maitri. Therefore, resolve that you will live on bloodless diet.

Verily, in gentleness is the crown of life!

The next day, a decree is proclaimed by the King. The order goes forth that none shall henceforth kill for sacrifice or for private pleasure. For life is one: and the crown of life is mercy or compassion.