Thursday, August 27, 2009



(The power you have within you)


Man is a natural overcomer. He has quested ever further into the realms of the unknown. The secret of success is something we have with us already. It is part of the toolkit for living, the natural heritage of mankind. Here is a plan in seven steps which will help you develop the power you have within you



 Cultivate a relaxed frame of mind. Say to yourself: "Whatever happens today I can cope. I have the power to overcome every obstacle and solve every problem." Always take an optimistic view of live.



 From your self-knowledge will come a clear understanding of other people. This will revolutionise your relationships. Ponder the wise words of Confucius: "If another drinks, does it quench your thirst? If another eats, does it appease you? Who then shall develop your understanding?



 This springs from faith in ourselves and in God. Worry and fear are a negative kind of faith. Think constantly of your successes not your failures. Think of the success of others and build up your own confidence. Affirm constantly: "I can and I will."



 All of us have an immense store of courage that can be called up when needed. Courage has the extraordinary quality of being there when it is truly wanted.



 This comes from caring. It is the inner quality of life that brings excitement and dynamic activity into everything we do. Many people are cool and unenthusiastic because they really have no idea what they want from life. Put yourself completely into what you do. Grow hot about your work – your interests in life. Your interest and enthusiasm will spread like a wild fire. Enthusiasm literally means, "being possessed by God."



 Obviously you will never succeed while you cherish a failure image in your subconscious. If you expect to fail, you will. Never play yourself down or accept a low estimate that another person may offer. You are a fine person. You are potentially great. You are a child of God! Self-esteem is basic for human happiness. When you feel right with yourself, your feelings will project itself into your world and make others happy. To raise yourself – praise yourself!



 This means from the psychological point of view only one thing – thought control! Many people are at the mercy of their negative thinking. Go over in your mind all the things you have to be thankful for , for all the successes, big or small you have had. Deliberately seek the positive, and see how bright the day becomes rain or no rain.

 There really is a secret of success. It is this. Your health, happiness and prosperity lie in what you put into your subconscious mind. See that it is entirely positive. This requires self-discipline, perseverance and patience. You can emerge a winner!



(Written by Dr. Clive D. Hurley)