Monday, June 7, 2010

Give me some sunshine

Give me some sunshine


We tell you why sunlight is so essential for you

While roaming around in the sun for hours without wearing a cap or adequate sunscreen is foolish, experts say that a few minutes in direct sunlight is good for you. Spending 10 to 15 minutes everyday in the sun is essential for your body to make enough Vitamin D, which is known to decrease the chances for bone diseases. Lack of vitamin D can also cause poor metabolism as well as slow down the healing of abrasions and cuts. Studies also say that lack of sunlight can worsen the feelings of depression in some people. Here’s why you should include a bit of sunshine in your life...

- Spending a few minutes in sunshine gives you a healthy glow. Over time, your body will also build up a natural resistance to the detrimental effects of ultraviolet light.

- Just a little bit of tanning is fine. Your skin will be more resistant to sunburns and infections after a while.

- A little time spent in the sun is known to be effective in getting rid of acne, boils, and psoriasis, among other skin problems.

- Sunlight is known to stimulate appetite and improve digestion and metabolism as well strengthen your immune system by increasing the number of white blood cells in your blood.

- If you don’t have good blood circulation, it means you aren’t getting enough sunlight. Sun-light will help produce more red blood cells that increase the amount of oxygen in you blood.

- Not getting adequate sunshine during the day will affect your sleep at night. Sunlight increases the output of melatonin in your body, which is known to make you sleep better.

- Feeling out of sorts? Take a 10 minute walk outdoors or open all the windows of your house and let natural light pour in. You’ll notice the difference.

- Sunlight improves liver functioning by breaking down toxins that lead to various diseases.