Thursday, February 21, 2013

Marriage – Facts you need to know - 13

Marriage – Facts you need to know - 13


·         You need to know your spouse's likes and fears. Nobody needs to be surprised in the bedroom.

·         You need to know that, contrary to popular myth, sex gets better the longer you're married. (Fifty years from now you could shock your grandkids.)

·         You need to know that if you don't hold and touch and show affection throughout the day, your sex life will be miserable.

·         You need to know to discuss difficult issues before you get married, not when you're on the way out the door.

·         You need to know that the honeymoon feeling of love—you know, when everything is new and wonderful and exciting—can end before the wedding. And this has nothing to do with whether or not you'll be happy as a couple.

·         You need to know the first two years of marriage carry the highest risk of affairs and divorce.

·         You need to know that if you think your spouse has changed, look at yourself. Maybe you no longer find his drinking amusing.

·         You need to know marriage is no place for rugged individualism.

·         You need to know women tend to start more conversations about problems in the relationship than men do. Men are happy if they're holding the remote control.

·         You need to know problems are part of life. Divorce doesn't have to be.

·         You need to know if you're having trouble sleeping together, a bigger bed might solve everything.

·         You need to know if you're unhappy, you're also to blame.

·         You need to know to work on yourself. It's more productive than trying to change the other person.

·         You need to know if you focus more on your golf game than on your marriage, you will wind up shooting in the high 70s. And enjoying the single life.

·         You need to know a couple's joy is based on the ability of the husband and wife to adjust to things beyond their control.

·         You need to know if you worry all the time, you could be slowly killing your marriage.

·         You need to know to not say everything that enters your mind.

·         You need to know criticism ("You never," "You should," "You always,") slowly corrodes a marriage.

·         You need to know your spouse can sense when something is wrong. If you've had a bad day or you're coming down with a migraine, say so.

·         Don't let them think you're angry.

·         You need to know that if you let yourself get to the point where you start feeling contempt for your partner, you'll forget why you fell in love with them.