Sunday, July 31, 2016

Re-appointment Beyond the Age of 60 Years of B.Ramanadha Rao with Sai’s Grace


Re-appointment Beyond the Age of 60 Years of B.Ramanadha Rao with Sai's Grace


After I retired in 1973, I reverted to Sri Sai's work, the whole day being at ray disposal to serve, think and feel about Sri Sai. I did not think of taking up a job as my attempts immediately after retirement did not succeed. I thought it was Sri Sai's will that 1 should dedicate and devote my time to HIM. So, I kept myself engaged in writing something on Sri Sai, my experience perceptibly felt, in which how the unseen miraculous hand of the mystic saint plays the role to help his Bhaktas, as such experience of a devotee if published will attract Sai devotees more than publishing philosophy or scriptures.


it is not exaggerating, if I should say, how the wondrous saint is keeping his constant contact and vigil on His dedicated Bhakta is impressively explained by this unexpected miracle of mine in this article.

With prostrations to Sri Sai I. start to say, it was in the 2nd week of December 73, while I—was to sit for Sri Sai Pooja at HIS LOTUS FEET, I had a call from CSO's office by Shri P. S. Chellappa, IPS, CSO. I sent a word that I will see him after Pooja. It appears I was wondering as to how I could sit for Pooja even unmindful of the appointment he was offering me.

As usual after pooja I went and saw CSO. My impression was that Mrs. CSO Madam being a staunch Devotee of Sri Sai might have wanted me for any clarification or literature on Sri Sai Baba. I could not even think or imagine of any appointment since it was a closed chapter to me as I was beyond 60 years of age-As soon as I entered CSO's room, he sarcastically asked me, "Even when an appointment is offered, you do not seem to be curious about it, but are more interested in Sai Pooja." I humbly and coolly replied that CSO knows it is Sri Sai who continued me in service beyond 58 years and it is Sri Sai who worked the miracle of my commutation, so CSO will kindly agree that Pooja first, the rest next and CSO will excuse me. Then CSO said Yes, You are right and got my application for appointment as a clerk under him in the same office in connection with the implementation of the revised pay scale of the Railway Employees. This was really surprising to me since while 1 did not aim at a job, an appointment was being offered to me by the same Officer and in the same office from where I retired. I could think of CSO directing me for an appointment to some firm or company since he is sympathetic with me, but Lo! He was offering me a Central Govt. job with all benefits, privileges and facilities as that of regular appointment and that too under his direct control in his own office, naturally a thing not expected nor imagined.

A further wonder is that 1 was sent for medical examination as due for fresh appointment on 10-1-74, A THURSDAY– Note Thursday – more wonderful and surprising is that my anxiety was to finish medical examination on 10-1-74, so that 1 could join duty on 11-1-74 Friday, when I will be able to earn wages for 4 days with intervening holidays – 12th II Saturday, 13th Sunday, 14th Monday, PONGAL and 15th Tuesday -'Bhogi Festival – If I don't join on Friday the 11th I will be a loser of days wages – otherwise a heavy loss of 5 days wages, as I could join duty only after holidays on the 16th

To my surprise  as I wished,   my medical   examination was over by about 1030 AM on 10- -74 and I rushed to CSO's office handed over the fitness certificate and wonder of wonders is that I was made to join duty then and there on the same day (Thursday itself. Thus Sri Sai made me eligible for one additional day's wages as it was only 11A.M. when I handed over the fitness Certificate Orders were   immediately issued to me from   10-1-74 Thursday itself contrary to   my thinking   that I   can join duty on Friday

Thus I earned 6 days wages instead of 5 days, and unexpected 'thing I never dreamt of. Here I must acknowledge my indebtedness and express my gratitude to Sri S. Ganesan, Assistant Security officer, for his kind help, who is ' interested in me and bears a soft corner for me. Is it not clear that these developments at each stage are by the unseen miraculous hand of the Mystic saint Sri Sai towards His Bhakta who is, dedicated and devoted to HIM? Thus Sri Sai bestowed and blessed me with this unexpected appointment and the benefit of earning nearly Rs. 400/- per month with all privileges of pass, leave holidays etc. for one full year from 10-1-74 to 9-1-75, on reappointment in the same office and under the same Officer Sri P. S. Chellappa, IPS, who was my boss when I retired in 1973.

What I wish to impress on Sri Sai Devotees is not that I got reappointment, but how I got it without thought or effort. Many learned Senior and more ardent Bhaktas than me may contribute articles on philosophy, slogans on Sri Sai. But it is 'my humble: opinion that Sai Bhaktas will admire and they will be more attracted by personal experiences of Bhaktas in which the miraculous hand of the Mystic Saint has been playing a role, in their daily life and who are at his LOTUS  FEET day in and day out, dedicated and devoted to HIM with their faith firm as that of HIS rock seat at Shirdi it is my forgone conclusion that "HIS" grace will be showered on those devotees and they will enjoy the fruits of HIS Bliss.

To sum up my experience in this particular instance, I place before you the following miraculous points as to how Sri Sai wielded the affairs to help his Bhaktas.

A Bhakta who never thought of an appointment beyond 60 years, which he felt as a closed chapter, was voluntarily offered the reappointment.


2    That Shri P. S Chellappa, IPS, the Chief Security Officer should remember me even months after my retirement, send for me and offer me this reappointment, to whom I am ever grateful and highly indebted.


3.    That the appointment is under the same Officer and in the same office, from where I retired in 1973.


4.    That the Medical Examination should be over within hours on 10-1-74 (Thursday) and 1 joined duty the same day thus making me earn 6 days wages as against 5 days, I aimed at.

5.     I hat how Sri Sai, in order to help His Bhakta, who surren­dered to HIM, goes to Railway Board at Delhi, interferes with the orders for reappointment from the age of 58 to 60 and extends them to the age of 60 to 62 years, which the Railway Board itself did not contemplate.

NOTE;    Anything that happens to me through Sri Sai Baba, occurs only on Thursdays. Even my reappointment, for which I joined on Thursday, was terminated also on Thursday.

Till this day Sri Sai Baba has kept me in good health, money and comforts, in that, I should say that HE has blessed me with two square meals a day, a shelter to live in and a cloth to wear. without ever feeling the dirth, and enough and more to attend to visitors to my abode HIS KUTlR. Like Annapurna (Akshaya-patra) I am satisfied and contented with this and I ask for no more but salvation at  HIS  LOTUS  FEET.

Bow to Sri Sai!    Peace to all|    MAY HE BLESS ALL!

B.  Ramanadha Rao

Sri Sai Kutir

Madras – II    Pin: 600011 (T. N.)

Source Shri Sai Leela June 1975


கர்ணனை விட வலிமையானது கர்மவினை

கர்ணனை விட வலிமையானது கர்மவினை

நாம் யாருக்கேனும் தீங்கு இழைத்தால் அதற்கான பலனை பின்னாளில் நாம் அனுபவித்தே தீர வேண்டியிருக்கும். இதுதான் கர்மநியதி.

கர்ணன் வாழ்க்கையிலும் அப்படி நடந்தது, அதுவே இக்கதையாகும். முனிவர் ஒருவர் காட்டில் தியானம் செய்து கொண்டிருந்தார். அவரது ஆசிரமத்தைச் சேர்ந்த பசுவும், கன்றும் அருகே புல்லை மேய்ந்து கொண்டிருந்த நேரத்தில், கன்றின் மீது அம்பு ஒன்று பாய்ந்தது. அக்கன்று துடிதுடித்து இறந்தது.

இறக்கும் தருவாயில் அக்கன்றின் வேதனைக் கதறல் கேட்டு முனிவர் தியானம் கலைந்தது. அவர், இறந்த கன்றையும், தாய்ப்பசு கண்ணீருடன் நிற்பதையும் பார்த்தார். அம்பு எய்தி பசுவைக் கொன்றவனைத் தேடினார்.

அப்போது ஒரு வீரன் கையில் வில்லுடன் அங்கு வந்தான். அவன்தான் அம்பை எய்திருக்க வேண்டும் என முனிவர் கண்டுபிடித்தார். அவரது கோபம் அந்த வீரன் மீது சாபமாக அமைந்தது. "சிறு கன்றின் மீது அம்பு எய்தி கொன்றவனே! அதற்கான கர்மபலனை நீ அனுபவித்தே தீரவேண்டும்! உனக்கு முடிவுகாலம் வருகையில், உன் தேரில் நின்று நீ போர் புரிகையில், தேரின் சக்கரங்கள் மண்ணுக்குள் புதையும். அந்த நேரமே உனக்கு மரண நேரமாய் அமையும் என்பதை உணர்வாயாக!" என்றார்.

அந்த வீரன் தான் கர்ணன். கன்றைக் கொன்ற தன் செயலால் வருந்தினான் கர்ணன். ஆனாலும், கர்மவினையின் செயல் இது என தன்னை தேற்றிக் கொண்டான். அந்த முனிவர் கூறியபடியே பாரதப் போரில் கர்ணனின் மரணம் நிகழ்ந்தது.

நாம் செய்யும் ஒவ்வொரு செயலுக்கும் கண்டிப்பாக பலன் உண்டு. ஆகையால், நாம் செய்யும் செயல் யாரையும் பாதிக்காதபடி இருக்கவேண்டும். நன்றும் தீதும் பிறர் தர வாரா.

Shri Sai Satcharitra Parayana - Chapter – 46 Assigned for August 01, 2016


Shri Sai Satcharitra Parayana,

Chapter – 46 Assigned for August 01, 2016

Baba's Gaya Trip – Story of Goats.




Shri Sai Satcharita in English Ch 46

Shri Sai Satcharita in Hindi Ch 46

Shri Sai Satcharita in Marathi Ch 46

Shri Sai Satcharitra Tamil Ch 46

Shri Sai Satcharitra Telugu ch 46

Shri Sai Satcharitra Malayalam 46

Shri Sai Satcharitra Kannadam ch 46

Shri Sai Satcharitra Konkani ch 46

Shri Sai Satcharitra Bengali ch 46

Shri Sai Satcharitra Gujarati ch 46

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Shri Sai Satcharitra Audio in English Ch. 46

Shri Sai Satcharitra Audio in Hindi Ch. 46

Shri Sai Satcharitra Audio in Marathi Ch. 46

Shri Sai Satcharitra Audio in Tamil Ch. 46

Shri Sai Satcharitra Audio in Telugu Ch. 46


Chapter XLVI


Baba's Gaya Trip – Story of Goats.

This Chapter describes Shama's strip to Kashi, Prayag and Gaya and how Baba (in the Form of His portrait) was there ahead of him; it also describes Baba's reminiscences of the past birth of two goats.


Blessed, Oh Sai, are Your Feet, blessed is Your remembrance and blessed is Your darshana which frees us from the bond of Karma. Though Your Form is invisible to us now, still if the devotees believe in You, they get living experiences from You. By an invisible and subtle thread You draw Your devotees from far and near to Your Feet and embrace them like a kind and loving mother. The devotees do not know where You are, but You so skillfully pull the wires that they ultimately realize that You are at their back to help and support them. The intelligent, wise and learned folk fall into the pit of the samsar on account of their egoism, but You save, by Your power, the poor, simple and devout persons. Inwardly and invisibly you play all the game, but show that you are not concerned with it. You do things and pose yourself as a non-doer. Nobody ever knows Your life. The best course therefore for us is to surrender our body, speech and mind to Your Feet and always chant Your name for destroying our sins. You fulfill the wishes of the devotees and to those who are without any desire You give bliss supreme. Chanting Your sweet name is the easiest sadhan for devotees. By this sadhan (means), our sins, Rajas and Tamas qualities will vanish, the Sattwa qualities and righteousness will gain predominance and along with this, discrimination, dispassion and knowledge will follow. Then we shall abide in our Self and our Guru (who are one and the same). This is what is called complete surrender to the Guru. The only sure sign of this is that our mind gets calm and peaceful. The greatness of this surrender, devotion and knowledge is unique; for peace, non-attachment, fame and salvation etc., come in its train.

If Baba accepts a devotee, He follows him and stands by him, day and night, at his home or abroad. Let the devotee go anywhere he likes, Baba is there ahead of him in some form in an inconceivable manner. The following story illustrates this.

Sometime after Kakasaheb Dixit was introduced to Sai Baba, he decided to perform the thread (Upanayan) ceremony of his eldest son Babu at Nagpur. At about the same time Nanasaheb Chandorkar decided to perform the marriage ceremony of his eldest son at Gwalior. Both Dixit and Chandorkar came to shirdi and lovingly invited Baba for these functions. Baba asked them to take Shama as His representative. When He was pressed to come in person. Baba told them to take Shama with them and that "after doing Banares and Prayag He would be ahead of Shama." Now mark these words for they show Baba's all-pervasiveness.

Taking the permission of Baba, Shama decided to go to Nagpur and Gwalior for these functions and ceremonies and thence to Kashi, Prayag and Gaya. Appa Kote made up his mind to accompany him. They both went first to Nagpur for the thread ceremony. Kakasaheb Dixit gave Shama Rs.200/- for his expenses. Then they went to Gwalior for the marriage ceremony. There Nanasaheb Chandorkar gave Shama Rs.100/- and his Vyahi (relation) Mr.Jather gave him also Rs.100/-. Then Shama went to Kashi, and then to Ayodhya where he was well received in Jather's beautiful temple of Laxmi-Narayan at Kashi (Varanasi or Banares) and in the Rama-Mandir at Ayodhya by Jathar's manager. They (Shama and Kote) stayed for 21 days in Ayodhya and two months in Kashi (Banares). Then they left for Gaya. In the train they felt a little uneasy on hearing that plague was prevailing in Gaya. At night they alighted at Gaya station and stayed in the Dharmashala. In the morning the Gayawala (the Priest who arranges and provides for the lodging and boarding of the pilgrims) came there and aid – "The pilgrims have already started, you better make haste." Shama casually asked him whether there was plague in Gaya. "No" said the Gayawala. "Please come without any fear or anxiety and see yourself." Then they went with him and stayed in his house which was a big and commodious Wada. Shama was pleased with the accommodation provided for him, but what pleased him most, was the beautiful big portrait of Baba fixed in the central and front portion of the building. Seeing this portrait Shama was overwhelmed with emotion. He remembered Baba's words, viz., "After doing Kashi and Prayag He would be ahead of Shama" and burst into tears. His hairs stood on end, his throat was choked and he began to sob. The Gayawala thought that he was afraid of plague prevailing there and therefore was crying. But Shama enquired of him whence he got Baba's portrait there. He replied that he had 200 or 300 agents working at Manmad and Punatambe for looking to the convenience of the pilgrims to Gaya and from them he heard about Baba's fame. Then about 12 years ago he went to Shirdi and took Baba's darshana. There he wanted Baba's portrait hung in Shama's house and with Baba's permission Shama gave it to him. This was the same protrait. Shama then remembered this former incident. The Gayawalas's joy knew no bounds when he learnt that the same Shama who obliged him before, was his guest then. Then they both exchanged love and service and were most delighted and happy. The Gayawala gave him a right royal welcome. He was a very rich man. He sat in a palanquin and made Shama ride an elephant and attended to all his comforts and conveniences.

The moral of the story is this:- That Baba's words came out true to the letter and unbounded was His love towards the devotees. But leave this aside. He also loved all creatures equally, for He felt that He was one with them. The following story will illustrate this.

Two Goats

Baba was once returning from Lendi, when He saw a flock of goats. Two of them attracted His attention. He went to them, caressed and fondled them and bought them for Rs.32/-. The devotees were surprised at this conduct of Baba. They thought that Baba was duped in this bargain, as the goats would fetch Rs.two each, at the most Rs.3/- or 4/- each, i.e., Rs.8/- for both. They began to take Baba to task for this, but Baba kept calm and cool. Shama and Tatya Kote asked Baba for an explanation. He said He should not store money as He had no home, and any family to look after. He asked them to purchase at His cost 4 seers of 'dal' (lentil) and feed the goats. After this was done, Baba returned the goats to the owner of the flock and gave out of the following reminiscences and story of the goats.

"Oh, Shama and Tatya, you think that I have been deceived in this bargain. No. Listen to their story. In their former birth they were human beings and had the good fortune to be My companions and sit by My side. They were uterine brothers, loving each other at first, but later on, they became enemies. The elder brother was an idle fellow while the younger one was an active chap and earned a lot of money. The former became greedy and jealous and wanted to kill his brother and take away his money. They forgot thier fraternal relations and began to quarrel with each other. The elder brother resorted to many devices to kill his younger brother, but all of his attempts failed. Thus they became deadly enemies and finally on one occasion the elder gave a deadly blow with a big stick on the latter's head while the latter struck the former with an axe, with the result that both fell dead on the spot. As the result of their actions, they were both born as goats. As they passed by me, I at once recognized them. I remembered their past history. Taking pity on them I wanted to feed them and give them rest and comfort and for this reason I spent all the money for which you reprove me. As you did not like My bargain I sent them back to their shepherd." Such was Sai's love for the goats!

Bow to Shri Sai – Peace be to all

ஓதுவது ஒழியேல்

1.அறம் செய விரும்ப - நீ தருமத்தை(கடமையை)ச் செய்ய ஆவல் கொள்.

2. ஆறுவது சினம் - கோபம் தணிக்கப்பட வேண்டியதாகும்.

3. இயல்வது கரவேல் - உன்னால் கொடுக்கக்கூடிய பொருளை யாசிப்பவர்க்கு ஒளிக்காது கொடு.

4. ஈவது விலக்கேல் - ஒருவர் மற்றவர்க்கு கொடுப்பதை, வேண்டாமென்று தடுக்காதே.

5.உடையது விளம்பேல்- உன்னிடத்திலுள்ள பொருளை அல்லது இரகசியங்களை பிறர் அறியுமாறு சொல்லாதே.

6. ஊக்கமது கைவிடேல்- எப்போதும் முயற்சியைக் கைவிடக்கூடாது.

7. எண் எழுத்து இகழேல்- கணித, இலக்கண நூல்களைத் தினமும் தவறாமல் நன்கு கற்க வேண்டும்.

8. ஏற்பது இகழ்ச்சி- இரந்து வாழ்வது இழிவானது. அதனால் யாசிக்கக் கூடாது.

9. ஐயம் இட்டு உண்- யாசிப்பவர்கட்கு பிச்சையிட்டுப் பிறகு உண்ண வேண்டும்.

10. ஒப்புரவு ஒழுகு- உலக நடையை அறிந்துகொண்டு, அத்தோடு பொருந்துமாறு நடந்துகொள்.

11. ஓதுவது ஒழியேல் -நல்ல நூல்களை எப்பொழுதும் படித்துக்கொண்டிரு.

12. ஔவியம் பேசேல் -ஒருவரிடமும் பொறாமை கொண்டு பேசாதே.

13.அஃகஞ் சுருக்கேல்- அதிக இலாபத்துக்காக, தானியங்களை குறைத்து அளந்து விற்காதே
14.கண்டொன்று சொல்லேல்-. கண்ணாற் கண்டதற்கு மாறாகப்(பொய் சாட்சி) சொல்லாதே.

15.ஙப் போல் வளை -. 'ங' என்னும் எழுத்தானது எப்படி தான் பயன்னுள்ளதாக இருந்து தன் வருக்க எழுதுக்களை தழுவுகிறதோ அது போல நாமும் நம்மைச் சார்ந்தவர்களால் என்ன பயன் என்று பாராமல் அவர்களை காக்க வேண்டும்."ங" என்னும் எழுத்தை கூர்ந்து நோக்கினால், ஒருவர் வளைந்து வணக்கம் சொல்வது போல் உள்ளது விளங்கும். அதைப்போல பணிவாக பெரியவர் முன் வளைய வேண்டும் என்று ஔவை உரைத்ததாகவும் எடுத்துக்கொள்ளலாம்.

16.சனி நீராடு -.சனிக்கிழமை தோறும் எண்ணெய் தேய்த்துக் குளிக்கவும்.

17.ஞயம்பட உரை- கேட்பவருக்கு இன்பம் உண்டாகும் படி இனிமையாக பேசு.

18.இடம்பட வீடு எடேல்-உன் தேவைக்கு மேல் வீட்டை பெரிதாக கட்டாதே.

19.இணக்கம் அறிந்து இணங்கு -ஒருவரிடம் நட்பு கொள்ளும் முன்,அவர் நல்ல குணங்களும்,நல்ல செய்கைகளும் கொண்டவரா எனத் தெரிந்த பிறகு அவருடன் நட்பு கொள்ளவும்.

20.தந்தை தாய்ப் பேண் -உன் தந்தையையும் தாயையும் அவர்களுடைய முதுமைக் காலம் வரை அன்புடன் காப்பாற்று.

21.நன்றி மறவேல் - ஒருவர் உனக்கு செய்த உதவியை ஒரு போதும் மறவாதே.

22.பருவத்தே பயிர் செய் - எச்செயலையும் அதற்குரிய காலத்திலேயே செய்ய வேண்டும்.

23.மண் பறித்து உண்ணேல் -பிறர் நிலத்தை திருடி அதன் மூலம் வாழாதே (அல்லது) நீதி மன்றத்தில் இருந்து கொண்டே லஞ்சம் வாங்கிக்கொண்டு தீர்ப்பு வழங்காதே (என்றும் பொருள் கொள்ளலாம்)

24.இயல்பு அலாதன செய்யேல் - நல்லொழுக்கத்துக்கு மாறான செயல்களைச் செய்யாதே.

25.அரவம் ஆட்டேல். -பாம்புகளை பிடித்து விளையாடாதே.

26.இலவம் பஞ்சில் துயில் -இலவம் பஞ்சு' எனும் ஒரு வகை பஞ்சினால் செய்யப்பட்ட படுக்கையிலே உறங்கு.

27.வஞ்சகம் பேசேல் -படச்(உண்மைக்கு புறம்பான,கவர்ச்சிகரமான) சொற்களை பேசாதே.

28.அழகு அலாதன செய்யேல் -.இழிவான செயல்களை செய்யாதே

29.இளமையில் கல்- இளமை பருவத்தில் இருந்தே கற்கவேண்டியவைகளை (இலக்கணத்தையும், கணிதத்தையும்) தவறாமல் கற்றுக்கொள்.

30.அறனை மறவேல். தருமத்தை எப்போதும் மறவாமல் செய்.

31.அனந்தல் ஆடேல்- மிகுதியாக துங்காதே.

32.கடிவது மற-யாரையும் கோபத்தில் கடிந்து பேசிவிடாதே.

33.காப்பது விரதம்- தான் செய்யத் தொடங்கிய தருமத்தை விடாமல் செய்வதே விரதமாகும் (அல்லது) பிற உயிர்களுக்கு துன்பம் செய்யாமல் அவற்றைக் காப்பாற்றுவதே தவம் ஆகும்.

34.கிழமை பட வாழ்-உன் உடலாலும் பொருளாலும் பிறருக்கு நன்மை செய்து வாழ.

35. கீழ்மை யகற்று-இழிவான குணஞ் செயல்களை நீக்கு
36. குணமது கைவிடேல்- நன்மை தரக்கூடிய நல்ல குணங்களை பின்பற்றுவதை நிறுத்திவிடாதே(கைவிடேல்).

37. கூடிப் பிரியேல்- நல்லவரோடு நட்பு செய்து பின் அவரை பிரியாதே.

38. கெடுப்ப தொழி -பிறருக்கு கேடு விளைவிக்கும் செயல்களை செய்யாதே.

39. கேள்வி முயல்-கற்றவர் சொல்லும் நூற் பொருளை கேட்பதற்கு முயர்சி செய்.

40. கைவினை கரவேல்-உங்களுக்கு தெரிந்த கைத்தொழிலை மற்றவர்களிடமிருந்து ஒளியாமற் செய்து கொண்டிருக்கவும்.

41. கொள்ளை விரும்பேல்- பிறர் பொருளை திருடுவதர்க்கு ஆசைப்படாதே.

42. கோதாட் டொழி-குற்றமான விளையாட்டை விட்டு விடு (நீக்கு).

43.கௌவை அகற்று-வாழ்வில் செயற்கையாக ஏற்படும் துன்பத்தை நீக்க.

44. சக்கர நெறி நில்- அரசன் வகுத்த நெறிப்படி வாழ வேண்டும். ( அரசன் = ஆள்பவர், தலைவர் ).

45.சான்றோ ரினத்திரு-அறிவொழுக்கங்ளில் நிறைந்த பெரியோர்களுடன் சேர்ந்து இரு.

46. சித்திரம் பேசெல்- பொய்யான வார்தைகளை மெய் போல்ப் பேசாதே.

47. சீர்மை மறவேல்- புகழுக்குக் காரணமான நல்ல குணங்களை மறந்து விடாதே
48. சுளிக்கச் சொல்லேல்-கேட்பவருக்குக் கோபமும் வெறுப்பும் உண்டாகும் படி பேசாதீர்.

49. சூது விரும்பேல்- ஒருபொதும் சூதாட்டத்தை விரும்பாதே.

50. செய்வன திருந்தச் செய்- செய்யும் செயல்களை தவறோ குறையோ ஏதும் இல்லாமல் செய்யவும்.

51.சேரிடமறிந்து சேர்-நீ பழகும் நபர்கள் நல்ல குணங்கள் உடயவர்களா என நன்கு ஆராய்ந்து பின்பு அவர்களுடன் பழகு.

52. சையெனத் திரியேல்-பெரியோர் 'சீ' என வெறுக்கும் படி வீணாய்த் திரியாதே.

53. சொற்சோர்வு படேல்- பிறருடன் பேசும் பொழுது மறந்தும் குற்றமுண்டாகப் பேசாதே.

54. சோம்பித் திரியேல்-முயற்சியின்றிச் சோம்பேறியாகத் திரியாதே.

55. தக்கோ னெனத்திரி-பெரியோர்கள் உன்னைத் தக்கவன்(யோக்கியன்,நல்லவன்) என்று புகழும்படி நடந்துக்கொள்.

56. தானமது விரும்பு-யாசிப்பவர்களுக்கு தானம் செய்
57. திருமாலுக்கு அடிமை செய்-நாராயணமூர்த்திக்கு தொண்டு செய்.

58. தீவினை யகற்று-பாவச் செயல்களைச் செய்யாமல் இரு.

59.துன்பத்திற் கிடங்கொடேல்-முயற்சி செய்யும் பொழுது வரும் உடம்பின் வருத்தத்திற்கு அஞ்சி அதனை விட்டு விடாதே.

60. தூக்கி வினைசெய்-ஒரு வேளையை முடிப்பதற்க்கான் வழிமுறைகளை நன்கு ஆராயிந்து அறிந்து பின்பு அச்செயலை செய்யத தொடங்கவும்.

61. தெய்வ மிகழேல்-கடவுளை பழிக்காதே.

62. தேசத்தோ டொத்துவாழ்- உன் நாட்டில் வசிக்கும் மக்களுடன் பகை இல்லாமல் வாழ்.

63. தையல்சொல் கேளேல்-மனைவி சொல் கேட்டு ஆராயாமல் நடவாதே.

64. தொன்மை மறவேல்- பழமையாகிய நட்பினை மறந்துவிடாதே.

65. தோற்பன தொடரேல்-ஒரு செயலைச் செய்தால் தோல்வியில் தான் முடியும் எனத் தெரிந்தே அதை தொடங்காதே

66. நன்மை கடைப்பிடி-நல்வினை செய்தலை எவ்வளவு இடையுறு வந்தாலும் உறுதியாகத் தொடரவும்.

67. நாடொப் பனசெய்- நாட்டில் உள்ள பலரும் ஒத்துக்கொள்ளத்தக்க நல்ல காரியங்களை செய்.

68. நிலையிற் பிரியேல்-உன்னுடைய நல்ல நிலையில் இருந்து என்றும் தாழ்ந்து விடாதே.

69. நீர்விளை யாடேல்-வெள்ளத்தில் நீந்தி விளையாடாதே.

70. நுண்மை நுகரேல்-நோயைத் தரும் சிற்றுண்டிகளை அதிகமாக உண்ணாதே.

71. நூல்பல கல்- அறிவை வளர்க்கும் பல நூல்களைப் படி
72.நெற்பயிர் விளை- நெற்பயிரை விளையச் செய்வதை உன் வாழ்க்கை தொழிலாகக் கொண்டு வாழ்.

73. நேர்பட வொழுக- ஒழுக்கந் தவறாமல் நேர்வழியில் நட.

74. நைவினை நணுகேல்-பிறர் வருந்தத் தகுந்த தீ வினைகளைச் செய்யாதே.

75. நொய்ய வுரையேல்-பயன் இல்லாத அற்ப வார்த்தைகளைப் பேசாதே.

76. நோய்க்கிடங் கொடேல்-மிகுந்த உணவு உறக்கம் முதலியவற்றால் நோய்க்கு வழிவகை செய்யாதே.

77. பழிப்பன பகரேல்-பெறியோர்களால் பழிக்கப்படும் இழிவான சொற்களான பொய்,கடுஞ்சொல் ஆகியவற்றை பேசாதே.

78. பாம்பொடு பழகேல்-பாம்புபோல கொடிய குணம் கொண்டவர்கள் உடன் பழகாதே.

79. பிழைபடச் சொல்லேல்-குற்றம் உண்டாகும் படி எதையும் பேசாதே.

80. பீடு பெறநில்-பெறுமையை அடையும் படியான நல்ல நிலையிலே நில்.

81. புகழ்ந்தாரைப் போற்றி வாழ்-உன்னையே நம்பியவர்களை காப்பாற்றி வாழ்.

82. பூமி திருத்தியுண்-விளைநிலத்தை உழுது அதில் பயிர்செய்து உண்.(அ)விவசாயத்தை வாழ்க்கை தொழிலாகக் கொள்.

83. பெரியாரைத் துணைக்கொள்-அறிவிலே சிறந்த பெரியோர்களை உனக்குத் துணையாகப் பேணிக்கொள்.

84. பேதைமை யகற்று-அறியாமையை போக்க.

85. பையலோ டிணங்கேல்-அறிவில்லாத சிறுவனோடு கூடித் திரியாதே.

86. பொருடனைப் போற்றிவாழ்-பொருள்களை(செல்வம் உட்பட)வீண் செலவு செய்யாமற் பாதுகாத்து வாழ்.

87. போர்த்தொழில் புரியேல்-யாருடனும் தேவையில்லாமல் சண்டை பொடுவதை ஒரு வேலையாக செய்யாதே.

88. மனந்தடு மாறேல்-எதனாலும் மனக்கலக்கம் அடையாதே.

89. மாற்றானுக் கிடங்கொடேல்-பகைவன் உன்னை துன்புறுத்தி உன்னை வெல்வதற்க்கு இடம் கொடுக்காதே.

90. மிகைபடச் சொல்லேல்- சாதாரணமான விஷயத்தை மாயாஜால வார்தைகளால் பெரிதாகக் கூறாதே.

91. மீதூண் விரும்பேல்-மிகுதியாக உண்ணுதலை விரும்பாதே.

92. முனைமுகத்து நில்லேல்- எப்போதும் யாருடனாவது சண்டையிடுவதற்காக போர் முனையிலே நிற்காதே.

93. மூர்க்கரோ டிணங்கேல்- மூர்க்க குணம் கொண்டவர்கள் உடன் பழகாதே.

94. மெல்லினல்லாள் தோள்சேர்-பிற மாதரை விரும்பாமல் உன் மனைவியுடன் மட்டும் சேர்ந்து வாழ்.

95. மேன்மக்கள் சொற்கேள்-நல்லொழுக்கம் உடைய பெரியோர் சொல்லைக் கேட்டு நட.

96. மைவிழியார் மனையகல்- விலைமாந்தர் உடன் உறவு கொள்ளாமல் விலகி நில்.

97. மொழிவ தறமொழி-சொல்லப் படும் பொருளை சந்தேகம் நீங்கும் படி சொல்.

98.மோகத்தை முனி-நிலையில்லாத பொருள்களின் மேலுள்ள ஆசையை வெறுத்திடு.

99. வல்லமை பேசேல்-உன்னுடைய சாமர்தியத்தை நீயே புகழ்ந்து பேசாதே.

100. வாதுமுற் கூறேல்-பெறியோர்கள் இடத்தில் முறன் பட்டு வாதிடாதே.

101. வித்தை விரும்பு- கல்வியாகிய நற்பொருளை விரும்பு.

102. வீடு பெறநில்-முக்தியை பெறுவதற்க்கான சன்மார்கத்திலே வாழ்க்கையை நடத்து.

103. உத்தமனாய் இரு-உயர்ந்த குணங்கள் கொண்டவனாக் வாழு.

104. ஊருடன் கூடிவாழ்-ஊராருடன் 
நன்மை தீமைகளில் கலந்து வாழ்.

105. வெட்டெனப் பேசேல்-யாருடனும் கத்தி வெட்டுப் போலக் கடினமாக பேசாதே
106. வேண்டி வினைசெயேல்- வேண்டுமென்றே தீய செயல்களைச் செய்யாதே.

107. வைகறை துயிலெழு- நாள்தோறும் சூரியன் உதிக்கும் முன்பே தூக்கத்தில் இருந்து எழுந்திரு.

108. ஒன்னாரைத் தேறேல்-பகைவர்களை நம்பாதே.

109. ஓரஞ் சொல்லேல்-எந்த வழக்கிலும் ஒருபுடைச் சார்பாக பேசாமல் நடுநிலையுடன் பேசு.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Blessed Devotee who Experienced Baba’s Miracle before 1918 - Your Property will Come Back to You

Blessed Devotee who Experienced Baba's Miracle before 1918

Your Property will Come Back to You



Keshav was the grandson of Hari Bhau K. Karnik. He went on a pilgrimage festival of the goddess Mahalaxmi. The village was about ten miles away from his residence and was situated on the banks of a river. During his stay there, he often swam in the river. Just before returning home, he swam and bathed as usual, went to the temple, took Darshan of the goddess and returned home. On the way, he noticed that his golden ring weighing 1.5 tolas was missing. With a heavy heart, he returned home. He was sure that it must have slipped into the river while bathing.


About six months later, a Fakir came to his house and asked his grandfather whether his child had lost his ring in that very river. After ascertaining the identity of the ring, he returned it and left.



Leela- 56 in Ambrosia in Shirdi - Part-I

(Baba's Leelas before 1918)



Shri Sai Satcharitra Parayana - Chapter – 45 assigned for July 31. 2016


 Shri Sai Satcharitra Parayana

Chapter – 45 assigned for July 31. 2016

Kakasaheb's Doubt and Anandrao's Vision – Wooden Plank Baba's bed-stead and not Bhagat's.



Shri Sai Satcharita in English Ch 45

Shri Sai Satcharita in Hindi Ch 45

Shri Sai Satcharita in Marathi Ch 45

Shri Sai Satcharitra Tamil Ch 45

Shri Sai Satcharitra Telugu ch 45

Shri Sai Satcharitra Malayalam 45

Shri Sai Satcharitra Kannadam ch 45

Shri Sai Satcharitra Konkani ch 45

Shri Sai Satcharitra Bengali ch 45

Shri Sai Satcharitra Gujarati ch 45

Shri Sai Satcharitra Odia ch 45

Shri Sai Satcharitra Punjabi ch 45

Shri Sai Satcharitra Sindhi ch 45




Shri Sai Satcharitra in Nepali

Shri Sai Satcharitra in German

Shri Sai Satcharitra in French

Shri Sai Satcharitra in Spanish

Shri Sai Satcharitra in Urdu




Shri Sai Satcharitra Audio in English Ch. 45

Shri Sai Satcharitra Audio in Hindi Ch. 45

Shri Sai Satcharitra Audio in Marathi Ch. 45

Shri Sai Satcharitra Audio in Tamil Ch. 45

Shri Sai Satcharitra Audio in Telugu Ch. 45


Chapter XLV


Kakasaheb's Doubt and Anandrao's Vision – Wooden Plank Baba's bed-stead and not Bhagat's.



We have described in the last three chapters Baba's Passing away. His physical or finite form has no doubt disappeared from our view; but the infinite or spiritual form (Spirit of Baba) ever lives. The Leelas which occurred during His lifetime have been dwelt upon at great length up till now. Ever since His passing away, fresh Leelas have taken place and are even now happening. This clearly shows that Baba is ever-living and helping His devotees as before. The people who got the contact of Baba when He was living, were indeed very fortunate, but if any of them did not get a dispassion for the things and enjoyments of the world and had not their minds turned to the Lord, it was sheerly their ill-luck. What was then wanted and is now wanted is the whole-hearted devotion to Baba. All our senses, organs, and mind should co-operate in worshipping and serving Baba. It is no use in engaging some organs in the worship and deflecting others. If a thing like worhsip or meditation is to be done, it ought to be done with all our mind and soul.

The love that a chaste woman bears to her husband is sometimes compared to that which a disciple bears to his master (Guru). Yet the former falls far short of the latter, which is incomparable. No one, whether he be father, mother, brother or any other relation, comes to our aid in attaining the goal of life (self-realization). We have to chalk out and traverse the path of self-realization ourselves. We have to discriminate between the Unreal and the Real, renounce the things and enjoyments of this world and the next, control our senses and mind, and aspire for liberation only. Instead of depending upon others, we should have full faith in ourselves. When we begin to practice discrimination, we come to know, that the world is transient and unreal and our passion for worldly things becomes less and less, and ultimately we get dispassion or non-attachment for them. Then we know that the Brahma which is no other than our Guru is the sole reality and as It transcends and besets the seeming universe, we begin to worship It in all creatures. This is the unitive Bhajan or worship. When we thus worship the Brahma or Guru whole-heartedly, we become one with Him and attain self-realization. In short, always chanting the name of the Guru, and meditating on Him enables us to see Him in all beings, and confers eternal bliss on us. The following story will illustrate this.

Kakasaheb's Doubt and Anandrao's Vision

It is well-known, that Sai Baba had enjoined Kakasaheb Dixit to read daily two works of Shri Ekanath: (1) Bhagawat and (2) Bhawartha Ramayan. Kakasaheb read these daily while Baba was living and he followed the practice even after Baba's passing away. Once in Kaka Mahajani's house in Choupati, Bombay, Kakasaheb was reading Ekanathi Bhagawat in the morning. Madhavarao Deshpande alias Shama and Kaka Mahajani were then present and listened attentively to the portion read, viz., the 2nd Chapter, 11th skandha of the book. Therein the nine Nathas or Siddhas of the Rishabha family, viz., Kavi, Hari, Antariksha, Prabuddha, Pippalayan, Avirhotra, Drumil, Chamas and Karabhajan expounded the principles of the Bhagawat Dharma to King Janak. The latter asked all the nine Nathas most important questions and each of them answered them satisfactorily. The first, i.e., Kavi explained what is Bhagawat Dharma; Hari, the characteristics of a Bhakta (devotee); Antariksha, what is Maya; Prabuddha, how to cross Maya; Pippalayan, what is Para-Brahma; Avirhotra, what is Karma; Drumil, the incarnations of God and their deeds; Chamas, how a non-devotee fares after death; Karabhajan, the different modes of worship of God in different ages. The substance of all the exposition was that in this Kali age, the only means of liberation was the remembrance of Hari's (Lord's) or Guru's feet. After the reading was over, Kakasaheb said in a despondent tone to Madhavarao and others – "How wonderful is the discourse of the nine Nathas on Bhakti or devotion. But at the same time how difficult it is to put it into practice! The Nathas were perfect, but is it possible for fools like us to attain the devotion as delineated by them? we won't get it even after several births, then how are we to get salvation? It seems that there is no hope for us." Madhavarao did not like this pessimistic attitude of Kakasaheb. He said – "It is a pity that one who by his good luck got such a jewel (Guru) as Baba, should cry out so disparagingly; If he has unwavering faith in Baba, why should he feel restless? The Bhakti of the Nathas may be strong and wonderful, but is not ours' loving and affectionate? And has not Baba told us authoritatively that remembering and chanting Hari's and Guru's name confers salvation? Then where is the cause for fear and anxiety? Kakasaheb was not satisfied with Madhavarao's explanation. He continued to be anxious and restless, the whole day, thinking and brooding over how to get the powerful Bhakti of the Nathas. Next morning, the following miracle took place.

One gentleman, named Anandrao Pakhade came there in search of Madhavarao. The reading of the Bhagawat was then going on. Mr.Pakhade sat near Madhavarao and was whispering something to him. He was mentioning in low tone his dream-vision. As there was some interruption in the reading by this whispering, Kakasaheb stopped the reading, and asked Madhavarao what the matter was. The latter said – "Yesterday you expressed your doubt, now here is the explanation of it; hear Mr.Pakhade's vision which Baba gave him, explaining the characteristic of 'saving' devotion and showing that the devotion in the form of bow to, or worship of, Guru's feet is sufficient." All were anxious to hear the vision specially Kakasaheb. At their suggestion Mr.Pakhade began to relate the vision as follows.

I was standing in a deep sea in waist-deep water. There I saw Sai Baba all of a sudden. He was sitting on a beautiful throne studded with diamonds, with His Feet in water. I was most pleased and satisfied with the Form of Baba. The vision was so realistic that I never thought that it was a dream. Curiously enough Madhavarao was also standing there. He said to me feelingly – 'Anandrao, fall at Baba's Feet.' I rejoined – "I also wish to do so, but His Feet are in water, how can I place my head on them? I am helpless." Hearing this he said to Baba – "Oh Deva, take out Your Feet which are under water." Then Baba immediately took out His feet. I caught them without delay and bowed to them. On seeing this Baba blessed me saying – Go now, you will attain your welfare, there is no cause for fear and anxiety. He also added – "Give a silk-bordered dhotar to my Shama, you will profit, thereby."

In compliance with Baba's order, Mr.Pakhade brought the dhotar and requested Kakasaheb to hand it over to Madhavarao; but the latter refused to accept it, saying that unless Baba gave a hint or suggestion for acceptance, he would not accept it. Then after some discussion Kakasaheb decided to cast lots. It was the invariable practice of Kakasaheb to cast lots in all dubious matters and to abide by the decision as shown by the picked up chit or lot. In this particular case two chits, on one of which was written 'To accept' and on another 'To reject', were placed at the feet of Baba's picture and an infant was asked to pick one of them. The 'To accept' chit was picked up and the dhotar was handed over to, and accepted by, Madhavarao. In this way both Anandrao and Madhavarao were satisfied and Kakasaheb's difficulty was solved.

This story exhorts us to give respect to the words of other saints, but at the same time asks us to have full faith in our Mother, i.e., the Guru, and abide by His instructions: for he knows our welfare better than any other person. Carve out on your heart, the following words of Baba – "There are innumerable saints in this world, but 'Our father' (Guru) is the Father (Real Guru). Others might say many good things, but we should never forget our Guru's words. In short, love your Guru whole-heartedly, surrender to Him completely and prostrate yourselves before Him reverentially and then you will see that there is no sea of the mundane existence before you to cross, there is no darkness before the sun."

Wooden plank Baba's Bed-Stead, and not Bhagat's

In His earlier days, Baba slept on a wooden plank, 4 arms in length and only a span in breadth with panatis (earthen lamps) burning at the four corners. Later on He broke the plank into pieces and threw it away (Vide Chapter X). Once Baba was describing the greatness or importance of this plank to Kakasaheb. Hearing this the latter said to Baba – "If You still love the wooden plank, I will again suspend or hang up one in the Masjid again for You to sleep at ease." Baba replied – "I won't like to sleep up, leaving Mhalasapati down on the ground." Then Kakasaheb said – "I will provide another plank for Mhalasapati." Baba – "How can he sleep on the plank? It is not easy to sleep up on the plank. He who has many good qualities in him can do so. He who can sleep 'with his eyes wide open' can effect that. When I go to sleep I ask often Mhalasapati to sit by My side, place his hand on My heart and watch the 'chanting of the Lord's name' there, and if he finds Me sleepy, wake Me up. He can't do even this. He himself gets drowsy and begins to nod his head. When I feel his hand heavy as a stone on My heart and cry out – 'Oh Bhagat', he moves and opens his eyes. How can he, who can't sit and sleep well on the ground and whose asana (posture) is not steady and who is a slave to sleep, sleep high up on a plank? On many other occasions Baba said, out of love for His devotees – "What (whether good or bad) is ours, is with us, and what is another's is with him."

Bow to Shri Sai – Peace be to all