You Will Be a Gainer
Baba, to Balakrishna G. Upasani Sastri:
Baba: Will you give me dakshina?
BGU: I have no money.
Baba: What is that in your pocket? Give it.
BGU: This is a silver watch. Take it, Baba.
Baba: Do you think you are losing by giving this.
BGU: Nothing given to you is a loss.
Then Baba received the watch and at once gave it away to someone present. BGU went on to Poona and there a rich friend, learning that he had given away his watch to Baba, compelled him to accept a gold watch (without knowing the above words of Baba). So, BGU was a gainer and not a loser by giving away his silver watch.
(From Baba's Charters and Saying – 250)