Once upon a time, the great Shah of Persia decided to have a special jewel-encrusted ring made for his personal wear. On the ring, he wanted to engrave a few words which would always give him comfort in times of distress. He offered a huge reward to any one of his subjects who would suggest the best words of wisdom to him for this purpose. Many people came forward with their suggestions, but none of them were to the king’s liking.
In the meanwhile, a dervish visited the palace. The king placed his query before the holy man.
To this, the dervish replied, “O king! Let me tell you the words that have always given great comfort and solace to me in times of sorrow. Those words are – ‘This too shall pass!’”
The words so touched the heart of the king that he had them engraved on his ring. Whenever any sad or difficult experience came his way, he would just look at the ring and read those words. Immediately, his heart would be filled with a new spirit of courage and faith.